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Did you hear? We are moving!!!

Spoiled a Little Shoppe of Wellness + Plant Magic and your favorite purple velvet couch will be moving inside of Hidden Gem on Main Street in Wallingford CT on December 1.

You can now find us between the intersection of Wellness + Woo and I could not be more excited!  The shoreline in Clinton was amazing space and I am so grateful for all of the people, events, healing, and lessons that took place here.  It was always my dream to have an Apothecary Style Storefront on the CT Shoreline and I am going to miss this sweet space.  2020 has been just a-little challenging both personally and professionally but the universe aligned and this move is my new opportunity for growth and community.  Spoiled a little Shoppe of Wellness + Plant Magic is still open for Bodywork, Ritual Foot Soaks, and Retail purchases through the end of November in Clinton CT.  A big, huge hug and thank you to everyone that loved the space as much as I did.

See you in Wallingford my friends!  XOXOXO Cheryl Ann 




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